Build Services
“He who works with his hands is a laborer.
He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman.
He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist.”
― Francis of Assisi
Whether your need is a new build or remodeling an existing structure, our team is here to help.
We employ modern building science principles to create an efficient, air-tight envelope, while our passion for crafting with healthy, eco-friendly materials provides a safe and inviting space. We will present suggestions for low-carbon materials while utilizing high-quality craftsmanship that fits your design taste. In addition to being well-versed in conventional and energy-efficient construction techniques, we are proud to offer natural building approaches as well.
Our Natural-Building Techniques and Finishes:
Straw bale insulation
Straw light clay, or slipstraw
Wattle and Daub
Earthen Floors
Clay and Lime plasters
Clay Paint
Hand-Crafted Unique Jobs:
We offer our knowledge of local materials, salvaged or recycled product,
and earth-friendly , non-toxic options to your smaller, unique jobs.
Past projects include:
countertops, built-in storage and furniture, small pergolas, plaster over drywall