We create living spaces that are eco-friendly, healthy, creative, and beautiful.

Conventional building practices focus on what is quickest and, in the short term, inexpensive. Unfortunately, this often means products that are filled with toxic chemicals, are petroleum based, or have a high energy impact in their production. Beyond undue harm to the planet and workers throughout the process, these materials expose your family to subtle, ongoing health hazards.


Healthier Building,
Healthier You

We create inviting functional spaces that minimize environmental costs while supporting the health of your family and the planet.

We feel it is our calling and responsibility to care for the Earth and its inhabitants.  In addition to eco-friendly building and design focuses, we want our projects to consider community as well. Each project fosters relationship, respect, and honest communication with all those involved. And we aim to provide a living wage to our team members. 

We strive to make every project have a positive impact on our Earth, instead of taking from it. We source and choose materials that are carbon sequestering, carbon neutral, non-toxic, or salvaged/ recycled. We use as many local resources as possible in an effort to support our community. We practice natural building techniques when we can. Our projects are designed and built to last. And our design process focuses on resource and energy efficiency.

Craft and creativity are valued and nurtured, allowing us to bring problem-solving, custom-made, unique solutions to you. We strive to be responsible with our resources and often look for ways to reuse/ recycle and re-create.

We make eco-conscious design accessible.